Big Futures Show

The Big Futures Show offers a unique opportunity for students across the region to meet with a wide variety of further education and training providers and prospective employers. This one day in a year will provide an anticipated 3000 young people across the region with inspiration, advice and guidance.

Potential employers will be offering interactive exhibits and guidance aimed at inspiring tomorrows workforce. They will be looking for tomorrows talent and be explaining what qualifications they are looking for and what training and apprenticeships they can offer in the workplace.

Further and higher education and apprenticeships will be well represented. Colleges and Universities will be on hand to show what they have to offer, where it fits with employers requirements and what they are looking for in students. Other training providers will be on hand to discuss the wide range of other possibilities they offer between full time education and into the workplace with training. There will be representation from a variety of other organisations that offer young people personal development opportunities.

The show is open to pre booked school groups with 90 minute slots starting  from 09:30 in the morning. Parents of year 9 to 11 students whose schools have elected not to bring a group are also welcome to book a visit during with their child during the day. After 16:00 the show is open to interested parents and others until 19:00

We want your children and students be inspired by informative and interactive exhibits. The Big Futures Show is an ideal opportunity for them to consider their part in the workforce of the future. Their time and effort will be rewarded in in many ways;

  • Each pre booked student group visitor will receive a preparation pack some time before the event. With this they will be able to consider and prioritise who they might like to visit and talk to at the show.
  • On arrival students will be presented with a professional show like any industry show they might visit during their working life. It will be an opportunity to meet educators, trainers and employers in a truly business like environment.
  • There will be “Show Hosts” on hand throughout the show to help steer them round and keep them focussed on the job in hand.
  • After the show we will offer follow-up material to help them summarise what they got from their visit.

Staging the Big Futures Show has been made possible by the generosity of business, local authority and grant funding. However in the spirit of everyone’s commitment we will be asking for contributions from visiting schools. We are also arranging low cost coach travel for school groups to and from the show for those that require it. Bookings will be invoiced at the time they are confirmed and should paid for before 10th April 2016.

To book a visit go to