John’s Autumn Blog 2015

It has been a busy three months in our office this summer if that is what the months of June and July are meant to be! I remember one lovely week at the beginning of July which fortunately I did take as holiday so I consider myself blessed.

It is raining again as I write but I suppose we should be thankful that we are dry and warm and can count blessings as we consider the mass exodus of people across Europe at this time.

I am sorry to say Roz, my secretary, has moved on, a job nearer home which suits her so much better to avoid long travelling but we are able to report that Karin, the new PA/Secretary for me and Vanessa starts in October.

We are also pleased to announce that Sebastian Stracey, a newly qualified chartered accountant has joined the firm as a support to me. He attends a local Kings Church and wants to understand the world of Charity accounting!

I am so pleased to announce that Liam, our payroll and IT manager (he has been with us over 12 years) has just become a father for the first time. Congratulations to him and Samantha on the safe arrival of Phoenix Apollo.

Three of our trainees, Tina, Alina and Michael have all recently passed Level 2 AAT examinations and now move on to Level 3, whilst Jacob who was already an AAT has completed a first year of the ACCA Professional Stage Examinations. Congratulations to all of them!

At the moment we are still digesting the various announcements by the Chancellor in his summer budget, particularly the nasty dividend tax coming in from next April and the changes in tax relief on buy-to-let properties. I will be writing some technical articles on these in the coming weeks, so do look out on our website for these, but if you have any particular questions on all these changes please do not hesitate to contact me, Nicholas or Sebastian in the meanwhile.

If you would like to send data to us by a much more secure portal link. For details on this email Vanessa at

Otherwise, do feel free to contact me if you have any particular concerns.

Best wishes.