John’s Spring Blog 2015

As I write this blog and it is early March we still have lots of rain and grey miserable weather. We just hope that spring is around the corner. It certainly seems a long winter but we are now in the season of Lent and we approach Easter and for some of us a much needed holiday time.

I am pleased to announce that we have a new member of staff joining us in the summer, Alex Mirfin. Alex is a chartered accountant from Oxfordshire, belonging to Banbury Community Church, and will be joining us as a senior manager, responsible for both accounts and tax. Alex comes with a wealth of experience in the accounting and tax world as well as Charities and will be a major asset to the firm as we continue to develop and expand. He will take a much more senior role in the firm working alongside me to ensure that I have got an ultimate successor. Not that I am going anywhere but obviously I need to slow down a little bit and I still intend to be around for some years to come advising clients and supporting Alex and Nicholas.

I am sorry to say that Julie Ginestri, our tax manager, is leaving us. Julie has been with us for some 10 years and it will be a significant loss to us, especially in the area of taxation. Julie has decided to pursue a career in the commercial world and we wish her every success.

Tina Coleman is joining our team permanently from April – previously she has worked on a part-time basis for us. Tina will be a significant asset in our bookkeeping and accounting bureau services for clients.

I am also pleased to note that Liam Brooks and his wife, Samantha are expecting their first child late summer. We are delighted for Liam and Samantha – Liam of course has been with us over 10 years and is very much part of the fixtures and oversees payroll and IT matters. If you have any particular problems with IT and payroll please do not hesitate to contact and seek his advice. Liam also helps in the realm of management accounting and many of you will know of his care and attention to your affairs.

The Tax Return season came and went and we now face a new tax year beginning in April, especially with significant changes in the pension rules. If you need any help in this area please do not hesitate to contact us.

We are now moving ahead quite significantly in sorting out pension schemes for our clients. We have got to face up to the auto-enrolment rules. If you have any problems with this please do not hesitate to contact

A significant growth in the firm’s activities has been assisting clients in establishing charitable organisations. The Charitable Incorporated Organisation – CIO, is very popular and if you would like to form a Charity please get in contact and we can steer you in the right direction.

I wish you all a happy Easter.