John’s Spring Blog 2019

I trust my newsletter finds you well as we enter the season of Spring. We were certainly blessed with lovely weather over Easter which enabled us all to forget about the pressure of work, Brexit and the economy. However, life soon returns to normal and here we are in a new season of Tax Returns. Certainly, in some ways, the economy has picked up with the rise in the stock market and full employment, but I am sure there are other issues to face on the horizon. We only have to look at the economic problems in Greece and Italy, the downturn in China and all the various political uncertainty around the world which leaves one to conclude that the rest of this year will not be easy.

My trust as always is in a God of miracles, someone who can answer prayer and turn situations around which seem beyond our control.

One area we do not publicise a lot but are always willing to do is to pray for our clients. We do pray for a number of clients from time to time for their businesses and for health issues. Just of late, we have heard a wonderful story of a client who was diagnosed with a terminal illness, inoperable, but the wonders of prayer and modern medicine have turned his life around and it now seems that he is able to have an operation and perhaps have the possibility of a new life, a life which possibly would have been taken away from him.

One rumour I want to dispel is that we are moving office. Well, we are slightly! – it is our intention over the summer months to move across the corridor from the downstairs North Wing of the building into the downstairs South Wing – this has recently been vacated by CCL and is slightly bigger than our existing offices giving us scope to expand – the firm has certainly been blessed and grown over the last 12 to 18 months with a substantial number of new clients.

As I have mentioned before, Antonina our tax manager, joined us in the latter part of 2018, so do feel free to contact her in relation to tax work and queries, at So, do start to compile your various Tax Return information for the year ended 5 April 2019 and be assured that we will also probably be writing to you over the coming months in this respect.

We have also recruited a new apprentice/trainee in the audit sector, Lydia, who works with Jacob in relation to most of our charity audit work.

We hope you find the monthly tax newsletters we send out helpful and if you do have any particular areas of concern, whether it is tax, accounts or charity governance, do feel free to contact me or Colin on these matters.

I wish you well. John