John’s Spring Blog 2020

Dear All

I am sure you realise I am usually late in writing my Blog’s, but perhaps I am early this quarter.  Whether it is late Spring or early Summer Blog, I do not know, but the weather is certainly lovely and feels like Summer.

We live in very turbulent days, quite extraordinary and worrying.  I do pray that you are all keeping well and your families and those of you that are in business are coping as best you can in these very difficult circumstances.

I pray each day for my family, my staff and my clients that you will all be protected from this virus and helped in some miraculous way.

Psalm 103 says “the Lord forgives all our iniquities and heals all your diseases”, well we pray that.

You may have read in the press that the new Freeholder of the building has planning permission to convert Chantry House into residential flats.  Please do not be alarmed, I cannot stop him doing that, but I do know and have the certainty and security of a 4-year lease with an option to extend beyond that.  So whatever his plans are they will have to be put on hold for the time being.

We run our offices with a skeleton staff at the moment, myself and two or three others working in the office and co-ordinating everything.  The rest of the staff are working remotely from home.

Thankfully we have a modern phone system, where we are able to transfer all incoming phone calls to our staff’s mobiles, so if you telephone we should be able to put you through in contact with the member of staff you need to speak to.

Likewise, we are dealing with all emails and incoming post, may be slightly slower than normal, but all these will be answered in due course and we continue to function as fully as we can.

If you have books and papers to deliver, then obviously come to the front door and ring the bell and we can make arrangements to take them from you in whatever way you feel comfortable with.

So, as you can imagine I am working harder now more than ever and any ideas of a slightly reduced workload have gone out of the window.

Hopefully you are finding the Newsletters we are sending out helpful in relation to financial claims from the Government.  But if you need clarity, please do not hesitate to make contact with myself, Colin or one of the team.

We cannot be certain of the future, but I know that all my ways are in His care and He will watch over us, and I pray that for you also.

Best Wishes

John Caladine, 
Caladine Ltd