John’s Summer Blog 2016

Dear All

Well, I realise this summer newsletter is somewhat late, perhaps the arrival of the ‘heatwave’ has reminded me that the summer newsletter is due.

It has been a turbulent past week in the Nations, the worst perhaps since 9/11, our country is somewhat divided, with a swift change of Prime Minister, the Opposition Party in turmoil, the atrocities in Nice, France and the unsuccessful coup in Turkey. Uncertain times.

Where do you find stability? The Bible says in God who is never changing, the same yesterday, today and forever.

The economic situation is a concern with downturns expected which is a worry for all. The accounting world continues to bring change. The new Persons of Significant Control Register, Common Reporting how it will affect Charities, are just two instances, both of which I have written technical articles to be found on our website.

We are now in the regime of the FRS 102 Reporting Standard for accounting which affects both businesses and Charities – if you need advice in this area do speak to Nicholas in our office who has done research on this and particularly how it affects Charities.

We are sorry to report that Sebastian from our staff, has been headhunted and moved onto richer pastures but we do welcome Matt onto our staff who brings a wealth of experience from his accounting background.

I am pleased to report that Jacob has now completed a further stage of his professional examinations and is part qualified and hopefully in the next two years will be a fully qualified Chartered Certified Accountant. Both Michael and Tina have successfully completed further stages in their AAT studies and should qualify as accounting technicians within the next 12 months.

Well, we are now in another tax year 2016/17 with various changes, especially in the area of dividends and savings interest and if you need any advice in this please do not hesitate to let me know.

A reminder to clients who need to complete Tax Returns for the year ended 5 April 2016 that you should be gathering together the necessary information and I will be in touch in due course.

If you are running a payroll then do not forget the need to set up a pension scheme before your staging date for your employees.- contact Vanessa or Liam for further details.

I do hope that you will enjoy your summer vacation and that those in business will find stability and growth despite all the wild predictions made by the so called economists.

Best wishes.

John Caladine, FCCA
Caladine Ltd