
  • John’s Summer Blog 2024

    I am trying to get back into the habit of writing a regular blog now and I believe this can be called my summer blog. I am sure we are all pleased to see some sunshine and warmer weather finally after the months of dampness. We pray that this will continue.

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  • John’s Spring Blog 2024

    As I write this, spring has arrived, and summer is not far away! A welcome relief after a wet and depressing damp winter. Spring brings new beginnings – new life – in our office, Jacob and his wife Hannah have welcomed a lovely daughter Eunice – Hannah’s sister Lydia is also expecting.

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  • John’s Autumn Blog 2023

    Again, it has been a long time since I put pen to paper, and change continues to rule our lives. Life seems so much different from pre-covid and is so much busier, frantic, and complicated. I have always found that God is an unchanging God, He is the same yesterday.

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  • John’s Autumn Blog 2021

    It seems a long time since I wrote a blog, and it is difficult to know where to start. The last 18 months of pandemic have been an extraordinarily hard time for all, whether you run your own business, employed, or even retired. I see many people struggle.

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  • John’s Autumn Blog 2020

    I am writing this blog in October as I wanted to address the issue of Tax Returns and Tax Liabilities due for payment in January 2021. However, firstly, I send my greetings and trust all of you are well and coping in these extraordinary times.

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  • John’s Spring Blog 2020

    I am sure you realise I am usually late in writing my Blog’s, but perhaps I am early this quarter. We live in very turbulent days, quite extraordinary and worrying.  I do pray that you are all keeping well and your families and those of you that are in business are coping as best.

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