Blogs Archive

  • John’s Winter & Spring Blog 2020

    Dear AllAgain, it is some time since I have written a Blog and we are now into Spring according to the meteorological office. Howbeit it is raining and continues to rain but at least living in Eastbourne we do not have the worry of floods and our heart goes out to all those…

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  • John’s Spring Blog 2019

    I trust my newsletter finds you well as we enter the season of Spring. We were certainly blessed with lovely weather over Easter which enabled us all to forget about the pressure of work, Brexit and the economy. However, life soon returns to normal and here we are in a new season of…

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  • John’s Spring/Summer Blog 2018

    I am afraid this Newsletter is somewhat late. It could either be the spring Newsletter late or the summer one very early, so let’s have the latter and trust that the lovely weather we enjoyed a few weeks ago will return. We continue to live in difficult economic times with a lot of…

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  • John’s Summer Blog 2017

    The reader may be wondering whether they actually ever saw John’s spring Blog, well I somehow believe this got missed in the pressure of work. My apologies, so this is a sort of combined spring and summer blog.  As I write, we have a mini heat wave and we hope that we have…

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  • John’s Winter Blog 2016

    As with the Autumn newsletter, this is a little late. I have been somewhat absorbed with dealing with the filing of Tax Returns before the 31 January 2017 deadline. This year it seems to have been somewhat more traumatic with a number of clients letting me have the information somewhat late but we…

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  • John’s Autumn Blog 2016

    This is my autumn newsletter somewhat late.  As I write we are remembering the 50th anniversary, of Aberfan in 1966 and the terrible tragedy of that day. It helps to get into perspective our own lives and to be thankful for the blessings we have. I remember vaguely, as I was just a youngster at…

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  • John’s Summer Blog 2016

    Dear AllWell, I realise this summer newsletter is somewhat late, perhaps the arrival of the ‘heatwave’ has reminded me that the summer newsletter is due.It has been a turbulent past week in the Nations, the worst perhaps since 9/11, our country is somewhat divided, with a swift change of Prime Minister, the Opposition…

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  • John’s Spring Blog 2016

    Well it hardly feels like Spring as I write this blog.  We are told by the meteorological office that Spring runs March, April, May but with the continuing rain, heavy winds and even cold weather it sure feels like Winter, however Easter is only two or three weeks away.

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  • John’s Winter Blog 2015

    Another quarter has quickly passed and the weather seems no different. It’s dark and gloomy and the world seem very much the same.

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  • John’s Autumn Blog 2015

    It has been a busy three months in our office this summer if that is what the months of June and July are meant to be! I remember one lovely week at the beginning of July.

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  • John’s Updated Summer Blog 2015

    The arrival of the very hot weather in early July was at least welcome and enabled me to have a few days holiday and I trust that my readers.

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  • John’s Summer Budget Blog 2015

    There is a separate purely technical article on the budget changes posted on our website but I thought I would take this opportunity.

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