News Archive

  • Latest Accounting News

    To my readers, I hope this finds you well despite the atrocious winter weather we have endured and with various viruses doing the rounds which has certainly hit my office this week.

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  • HMRC Digital Accounts – The New Tax Return!

    I am sure you have read a lot and heard much of the new proposed HM Revenue & Customs digital tax system doing away with the paper Tax Return.

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  • Gift Aid Small Donation Scheme

    The Gift Aid Small Donation Scheme (GASDS) allows eligible Charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASC) to claim top up payments on cash donations of £20 or less.

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  • Big Futures Show

    The Big Futures Show offers a unique opportunity for students across the region to meet with a wide variety of further education and training providers and prospective employers.

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  • National Living Wage 2016

    Last year the Government announced the introduction of the National Living Wage, which will be compulsory and come into effect from 6 April 2016.

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  • Charities SORP

    I am sure most Chief Executives and Charities are now aware that there is a new FRSSE SORP 2015 coming into effect for Charities for accounting periods commencing on or after 1st January 2015.

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  • Self-Employment, Consultants, Travelling Expenses

    There has been a recent tax case, a Dr David Jones HM Revenue & Customs 2015 which has quite worrying implications. This case went against the tax payer.

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  • Love In A Box

    The staff at Caladine took part in Mustard Seed’s Love In A Box campaign, which is to provide presents at Christmas for under privileged children throughout Eastern Europe.

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  • Social Enterprise Tax Relief

    This is a tax relief scheme designed to support Social Enterprises seeking external finance offering a range of tax relief that can be claimed by individual.

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  • Mortgage Interest Deductions

    In his Summer budget George Osborne announced that landlords will only be able to offset mortgage interest at the basic rate of tax 20% by 2020.

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  • Dividend Changes 2016

    As most readers will know, the government have announced new legislation which will be coming in April 2016, taxing dividends.

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  • Family Investment Companies – FIC

    Over recent years, with changing legislation, Trusts are no longer the most tax efficient way to transfer assets to future generations. 

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